‪https://myhebrewbookalbum.blogspot.co.il/‬ ברזילאית שכמותי: I am such a Brazilian woman-7

יום רביעי, 10 באוקטובר 2018

I am such a Brazilian woman-7

 Chapter 7 In India I saw

Shachar told me that he was walking in the forest, and the temperature was below zero degrees. I told him it was beyond my imagination, a forest, zero degrees, it seemed to me that it was impossible to breathe ... The trip to India is approaching and it brings fear, enthusiasm. It's hard to concentrate. It's such a journey, alone, for so long, to leave everything I know, it gets me out of my comfort zone.
My trip to India is approaching
I'm in the woods
My mouth turns into ice

Not even one poem
Comes out as it should

I started to pack words in a suitcase / to prevent losing them in the excitement / In India I will arrange them / in shelves and drawers / After all clothes / you can buy at the store / but it is not easy to find the right words
For the trip to India
 I pack poems in a suitcase
Clothes can be bought in the store
Noisy Cars / News in the newspaper / Rain / The sound of my silence grows / Ready to travel / No return / I'll come back different
Outside there's a storm
On the porch - rain
inside me - silence
Ready to leave
I'll come back
One way or another

I dreamed that I moved to another house / there was a mess / I was not afraid / there will be time to make order
What does the other house look like?
This dream tells me about a new feeling. Not to be afraid of changes. Relax and believe that everything is going well. In the dream, I moved from an apartment to a house, large and not new. There were a lot of things out there that did not belong to me. It's like making order in my soul, throwing away what is not mine, slowly finding a new place for all things, taking the opportunity to let go what is unnecessary. Maybe it had to do with the trip.
In a dream, I moved
To an old house
I threw away what was not mine
I let go of
What was unnecessary
I slowly relocated
Books to the living room
Pots to the kitchen
I woke up before I woke up
Can you write in Hebrew Le'hitorer with the letter Aleph? I ask because the word "Or" means light when written with Aleph and skin when written with Ayin. You might think that awakening (Le'hitorer) is to feel the skin anew. In my name, there are awake (Er) and forest (Yaar).
Le'hitorer with Aleph is a crazy mistake because you can use it only if you wake up because a ray of the sun hit your eyes in the morning😊  
In Hebrew, "Iara" is not the female of the forest but the house of the bees.
I just got back, you would not believe it; when I went down to the street, everything was quiet, there were no people- it's Christmas, celebrating. What a disappointment. Suddenly, on a bicycle, a nice Indian. He stopped me and said something I did not understand. After a few seconds, I saw a branch with large green leaves in his hand. I could not believe it! Our magician came. So, he explained to me, as far as you can explain in the language of the hands, that if I puff on these enchanted Indian leaves, flowers will appear. I Agreed. I asked to photograph. He agreed. He brought me a chair. He himself sat down on the floor and opened a black sack with balls in several colors. He started the magic with the balls disappearing and reappearing, all kinds of exercises. I asked about the flowers, he told me to wait ... After I found one white ball in a black sack, he asked me to puff on the branch with the leaves, put it aside, and then he told me to rub my hands together. He told me to choose a flower. I chose Yasmin, and there was the scent of jasmine. He said: Another flower. I said rose, and there was the scent of the rose ... I know there was perfume in the sack where I was looking for the ball, but it was so nice. A few Indian guys approached us during the performance and they enjoyed it and laughed. I filmed the magician, but he was very quick, I was not very successful.
I was in the supermarket yesterday. It's not arranged in rows, but in rows and circles, and you cannot tell where you've already passed ... funny! But I found tea with cardamom! It's not my expensive coffee, but the smell of cardamom is still there ...

In India they sell magic –
Branches that when puffed on
Grow flowers

They trade wisdom
They give away smiles
In the supermarket
 the products are arranged
in circles
I know how I got in
But how do I get out?
After all this I reached the main street, and perhaps because of the hour, traffic began. The women walked around with saris painted with silver or gold.
The people in India walk in the roads
Not on the pavements
They are like the cars, motorcycles,
Bicycles and rickshaws

"Horn please" is painted on the trucks
And yes, they certainly hoot and hoot

Women in saris
Sit on the back of motorcycles
With both feet on the same side
I've had a Christmas in India ... I've been in a Catholic country all my life, and I've had Christmas in a Buddhist country. Suits India! Merry Christmas!
There are so many new tastes here, even the taste to match colors: purple with green, or red with pink. Red with orange, orange with purple. I don't have enough names for all these colors ... There are so many tones for each color, that it's hard to describe. The jewelry, all over. You see stars on the nose, on the ear, on the toes. Something glittering between the eyes ... Four women sitting on a green bench, in a green park, next to each other, dressed in saris, each with different colors: orange, pink with green, red with yellow, light blue. They look like flowers in the green grass. Osho's followers wear red wine clothes. If you want to swim in their pool, you need to buy a swimsuit of the same color.
Purple with green
Red with pink
Orange with red
Orange with purple
Pink with yellow
I don't have enough names for all these colors
On the lawn of the park in the distance
The women look like flowers
Stars on the nose
On the toes
Between the eyes
The poems do not want me. Fleeing. They leave me like rolling tears. At least beautiful children, with big eyes like olives and a bright smile, do not let me be alone. Their father is working in the garden, looking at them with love and affection. It's a pity that loving eyes are not enough to provide a hungry body.
In India, the poems don't want me
But beautiful children
With bright, big eyes and a beaming smile
Play with me
And don't leave me alone
A lovely girl was in the park. She had such a beautiful smile that I wanted to photograph her. She enjoyed it, glad, we started playing. After a while, she asked me if I could give her food ...
The horn of a truck that is heard from a distance reminds me of the ship / with which  I once crossed the world / to another world / to Israel / and again I crossed the world / to another world / To India / To myself

Once I crossed the world
To reach Israel
This time
I crossed the world
To reach myself
My head still hurts, maybe from the panic.  I was really scared. I sat in the sun a little, sunbathing on the porch where I live, and suddenly something heavy fell on my head. I thought it was a stone, but it was not hard. I thought: Maybe fruit, but it should have been the size of a watermelon ... until I saw the eagle standing on a wall in front of me, watching me. It began to fly toward me and then I got up, went out. When I got back to the apartment I started to look for my glasses, I did not find them. Only then I realized that the eagle had snatched them. I ran back there to look, they were on the floor and did not break ... Tomorrow I'll go there again, I'll try to photograph my new boyfriend!
The glasses fell [ In Hebrew - Nashru] to the floor. In Hebrew, an eagle [Nesher] is called that because it falls [Nosher] like a heavy stone from the sky.

My new Indian friends told me later, that you really had to be careful, especially children with little toys. And it still hurts me now... Only in India, eh? My husband told me that maybe the eagle needed the glasses to see better!
An eagle attacked me
Snatched the glasses off my head
I had a panic attack
Black cows standing / by a sidewalk / garbage and trash / A woman in an ecstatic blue passing / a man in white looking for a meal on the floor / red, orange, blue and pink clothes hanging on a rope / and one Buddha decorated with a bunch of yellow flowers / on a wall / greeting

On a wall
A Buddha statue decorated with a bunch of yellow flowers
Black cows, eating from the garbage by the sidewalk
A woman, dressed in sapphire blue, who passes bye
Under red and pink, orange and blue cloths
hanging from a rope
And me
And I have not told you yet about children eating directly from the dirty sidewalk, next to sleeping dogs, and passing people.
The sky is orange / almost full moon / a few glittering stars / hundreds of black dots dancing above my head / small birds like flying butterflies / among them dozens of bats exchange trees / earlier there were eagles and pigeons / there is order in the winged world / They change in the sky according to the hour of the day / When will it be my turn to fly?
"When will it be my turn to fly?" -  doesn't seem to belong in the poem.
How to describe a sunset without it being a "story"?
A poem is the summary of something you saw or understood, something you never had the slightest idea that it exists, and now you believe that the reader has been unaware of it, also.
The main thing for me was this amazing picture, of hundreds of tiny birds that covered the sky and among them the bats, big, flying, sailing like fish in the water. I've never seen anything like it, I could not even imagine ... and I was infatuated. I never saw bats, I did not know what they looked like, especially how they flew. And the moon and the stars and the orange that leaves the black more beautiful, or the opposite ... orange sky I have seen before, but not as the background for hundreds of tiny birds and bats. In Sao Paulo, because of the air pollution, there are wonderful sunsets. (I hear voices outside, maybe it's a muezzin praying or an Indian prayer). I did not know what bats looked like when they flew. I did not think they could be so big and fly as if they had no weight.
In India, I saw
Little birds like butterflies
And a big, green one;
Just like that
Inside the city
Between the cars
Within the noise

The moon was almost full
And between the orange sky and me
There were birds
And amongst them
Big bats
Swiftly darting from tree to tree

I've never before, seen how bats fly

אין תגובות:

הוסף רשומת תגובה

I am such a Brazilian woman-1

Front Cover Hey, I am such a Brazilian woman Crying, laughing Hoping, fearing Hating, loving Me, you And all in a such...