‪https://myhebrewbookalbum.blogspot.co.il/‬ ברזילאית שכמותי: I am such a Brazilian woman-9

יום רביעי, 10 באוקטובר 2018

I am such a Brazilian woman-9

Chapter 9 The Page Frightens Me

My Hebrew is escaping from me / the words are disappearing / the ideas are tasteless / suddenly I'm afraid to write / to send / I do not want to bore / white heart falls asleep
Ze'ev ... I do not succeed. I'm sending you this email as an exercise for myself to show nonsense ... without fear.
Once the writing brought forth more writing
And the words
Were holding each other
Like a paper chain in a sukkah

Today the blank white page
Brings me fear
Sometimes everything seems missing / lost, distant, abstract / looking for words that will catch what is missing, to bring someone who is not, to bring closer what was sent / words that would fill everything that seems empty / ... Nothing will return / time steals my Hebrew / Shadow captures the words in the dark / enlarges the distance / draws borders / between languages ​​/ between us
I do not know what's going on. It seems to me that the current has stopped. As if the Portuguese were trying to enter the conversation, jealous of the Hebrew, and then everything got confused. I have not spoken Hebrew for a long time, just write, and there has been no direct conversation between us for a long time, and the time between letter and letter does not allow me to warm up.

My treasured Hebrew is forgotten
I start stuttering
Become confused
Shadows take words from me
Trying to spoil
And make me miserable

Portuguese is trying
To enter into the conversation between us
Envious of the Hebrew
The poor thing!

It's lucky that we cook poems from my mistakes
Let's pray that noon
Will dwarf our shadows
Will dwarf is your addition?

Yes. I thought you'd like it. Yesterday, I walked on foot, and I did not stop laughing at the little shadow of all the people I saw on the way. The first was a limp, old man. His little, young shadow limped in front of him. I was so sorry I did not have the courage to ask his permission to shoot it on video ... - but it got into the poem.
Everything seems lost and empty
I look for words to fill my veins
-          In vain
You, who also have two first languages, you might understand. It seems to me that every language is a different world and I cannot connect them. I dived inside the iPad a few months ago. I discovered inside me a woman I did not know. All in Hebrew. The Portuguese world takes me back to an uncomfortable place. Without dreams, full of problems. But I have a life, a family, beloved husband and children, and they are in Portuguese ... only they are so connected to what I felt before. It's hard to be the new Iara with them.
How do you know what is superfluous? I realize that it was superfluous only after you took things away from my texts. What if you left "decorations"? Saying straight what you feel is always superfluous?
If you say the same thing twice, in my opinion, it is superfluous. If something is too general, it is superfluous. If you tell the reader what you feel instead of showing him what you feel, it's superfluous. If you can say the same thing in fewer words it is better, because in the poem every word counts.
There were big demonstrations all over Brazil yesterday. I remembered that in some places in Israel the police used water to stop the demonstrations. Here rubber bullets and tear gas are used. Only the poems ran away from me. Reality does not allow me to be an astronaut anymore ...
The poems, like cats, come only when they want.
I miss the poems, they helped me so much, and now that I want them, they are out of my reach. I prefer dogs.
Here we have an effortless poem:
The poems, like the cats
Come only when they want

I prefer dogs
Shalom Ze'ev,
My daughter asked me to translate some of our poems. She might try to compose them for her graduation at the university (she's studying music). So, I went back to them after a long time and was surprised. There are very beautiful poems.  I feel like trying to get back to writing. I need to find the way ...
The poems are begging me to find them
But even 'Waze' doesn't succeed
In showing me where they hide
My thoughts get wet in the rain / roll along in the water / drive in the streets / go down to the smelly / dirty river / continue to the sea / maybe they will come to your sea / with stories of ships / in all the languages ​​/ reach your shore / maybe with jellyfish, and sting you
I was a swimmer when I was a child. I stopped swimming, because I was always sick, because of the chlorine from the pool. I returned to swimming after 30 years, and then it took me a long time to learn to swim again. I've never written since I finished school. So, I'm starting, like in the swimming.
I enjoy your writing as much as you do. Yesterday, I read that professionals do not have more taste cells than ordinary people, but they do have more experience. They checked their brains on the scanner and saw that most of their activity is from memory. That's what you're missing-experience.
Watch it, Mister
My thoughts get wet in the rain
Roll in the water
Sail in the streets
Go down
To the stinking river
And from there to the sea

Someday they'll come, inside a jellyfish
To the shore of your sea
To sting you
For lack of words / I was silent / I was listening / Alarms on the street / Cars hurrying / Wind whistling in the window / Music on the radio in the kitchen / Only words I did not hear / Where were they hiding? Where did they escape?
I heard
Alarms on the Street
Rising, falling
And nerve-racking, noisy engines

The wind whistled through my living room window
Music played on the radio in the kitchen
Only words I did not hear
The 'bitches'
Just when I needed them so much
No poem / no conversation / My head is leaning on the pillow / moving sweat / without words
I woke up at midnight, I wanted to start a conversation. I had nothing to write ... so I stayed with the pillow ... I was completely wet with sweat (maybe it was age) and without words.
I woke up at midnight
Wet with sweat
Maybe it's age

I wanted to write
I had nothing to write
I remained wordless

I'm lazy to work on our poems because you're raising them to the next level. It's fun for me, but I have to go back to the place of the student, as I was at the beginning. I do not know how.
Sometimes I feel I'm like a bat / to see myself / to find my way / I shout / and wait for the echo / to be sure that they heard me / that I have a voice / that I have a body / that I'm not a dream
In my poems
I shout like a bat
Waiting for an echo
Of approval
That I was heard
That I have a voice
That I have a body
That I do not dream
Where did our poems disappear? / They stayed in India / With the suffering / Happiness is silent
Ze'ev, I long for the Hebrew and for the poems. All I'm reading now is about war, missiles, alarms. Is there a way to ignore the noise? In Brazil, the rockets also fall on our heads in various forms of hatred and racism. The World Cup ends, and there is room and time to listen to life outside the stadium.

The poems did not run away, because I continue to write. You can always start over. If you start I'll always be here to finish.
I meant the joint poems :-) When I write to you I have hope that there will be a hint to the beginning.  That's how it was. It was a miracle and only you knew. Suffering remained in India. Then I realized that before the trip there was a need to write to understand or arrange thoughts and emotions. And now there is no need to arrange.
I had a poem in a dream / a few lines / and even a rhyme / I searched for it everywhere / with a friend: "Sorry, I did not see" / cousin: "Sorry I did not hear" / Strangers / Children and mothers / No one saw or heard/ My good friend invited me to her house (maybe they were there) / "have a cup of coffee and we'll find it" / the clock suddenly rang / and I got a poem stuck in my throat
In my dream I lost a poem
A few lines
Very beautiful

I asked
A close friend
A distant cousin
Children on sidewalks

And when I heard the clock ring
I woke up with the poem
Lodged between my ribs

Shadow in front of my window / Passing from one building to another / Tells me about the sun's / Travel / Hidden / between the buildings of the city /
I got lost. A hard day ... it will pass. I'm really looking for something to hold on to.
Ze'ev, since we started with the poems, I promised myself that I would try to write every day. I've been trying and trying for two days, and nothing comes out. Too busy with relatively practical things for my father, but even such things could become poems. In recent days, nothing seems like a poem to me ... So, I write only to write, not to forget that I have the Hebrew, that will look after me, and will ease my pain.

Chapter 10 When We Write Together
They started sewing words / embroidering poems/ There got so many strings / That now they are entangled
That's how it is when we write together
When we sew words
When we embroider poems
Strings are entwined
Knots tied
Bridges bridged

And now we're tangled
Black dots
In the white, cloudy sky

Notes for a new poem
Very nice. Now you have to photograph these birds.
Because of our poems I started to notice what's unnecessary in every little thing I do and why! I choose carefully what to say, what to eat, what to wear, what to hear. I notice, even in others, what is worthwhile, what is not needed. At work, which is the main thing, when listening to stories, I began to listen more to the words and to the melodies between them. The stories usually hide, more than they show. I'm so involved in writing that sometimes it's hard for me to sleep, I'm looking for words, sentences. I enjoy it and even lose weight. Now I eat words and stories!
I'm losing weight / Now I eat words and stories / First dish / One or two poems / Second dish Newspaper headlines / Novel is dessert, or even legend / and instead of drinking I read a Joke
Instead of steak - words
Instead of soup - stories
I wipe songs
Lick fingers
Chew headlines

Pages of romance

Instead of coffee and cake
 I read a joke
Lose weight
If you don't read the words on the page - they remain silent / if you read them and don't understand them – they are worthless / to give life to words / is the work of the magicians
Words on the page are
Dead If you don't read them,
Silent If you don't understand them

What fun it is to redeem words
To let the lips of sleepers speak
The last line is based on Song of Songs 7:9 –" … good wine goes straight to my beloved, to make the lips of the sleepers speak".

The language of my childhood that was silence / Is revealed to me like a gift / in a box / It reminds me of smells / colors and sounds of the past / Summer heat / Boots in the puddle / hide and seek / and also alarms and shelters / War and holidays / Orchards' Fragrance
I return to the silent language of my childhood
Revealed to me like a gift in a box -
Summer heat
Boots in the puddle
hide and seek
The scent of orchards
Alarms and shelters
Looking for words / I find memories in a chain / memory brings memory/ without words / Playing hide and seek in a distant land / dancing in a circle / riding a bicycle / A brother who had not managed to live / born and died within hours

Looking for words
I find memories -
Memory begets memory

Without words
I play hide and seek in a distant land
I dance in a circle
I Ride a bicycle

A brother who did not manage to live
Died within hours of being born
Maybe after India, who knows? If I do not lose my mind, if I continue to be me, I will lose my language. I will come back without words, without thoughts. I'll have only emotions and senses, as you dreamed. Maybe you wash my poems and words. After they dry they are brighter.

I send a few words
Picked up from the sidewalk

I Receive
The same words
More or less
Arranged a little differently

Hair re-styled
Smell of shampoo
The letters are written one by one / quietly / on a blank / white paper / and a poem is born

A poem is born quietly
Without wrinkles
Without drama
Without a shriek
In letters that are wet with blood
On white paper
If I had chosen / to photograph myself / I would have photographed / the magical place / from which I saw my sons and daughter's heads / burst out/ The miracle of the creation of life.
In one of my births, I gave birth while sitting, I saw my daughter coming out of me, there are no words for that!
Too bad you did not take photographs.
Everything is photograph in my mind!!!!

"Photograph" is a wonderful mistake: the correct word would be "photographed."
There's nothing like your crazy mistakes
Every morning with its inevitable sunrise
Every evening with its incredible [t]error
Between the sin clouds on the horizon
Here in the house everyone started writing after we started with the poems. My son writes about soccer.  My daughter, who always wrote and stopped, wrote about a strike at the university, and everyone was very enthusiastic. it's contagious. Good illness! I will not seek a medicine to cure it. It's funny that sometimes we write on a computer on a lot of subjects and then, when we get home, we are all silent!!!
The poems we wrote in Hebrew / woke up Brazilian words / that jumped on my son / like a ball / And became stories / About football / Got out of my daughter's feet / Went straight to the page / Asking for a revolution

When the Messiah comes
Everyone will write verses
 Speak rhymes

The cloud of poetry will carry us
Above the separations between us
Unwalled, we will see with our own eyes
The death of prose

You got up religious today. Did you see the movie "The Train of Life?" It has a section where the gypsies play music with the Jews, and that's amazing. Your poem reminded me of it!
The waters sounded like a poem from heaven / the sun paralyzed them / there is fire and water in the sky
There is fire and water in the sky; this is an idea that appears in the Talmud. It would be better to present it as lightning and rain.
In Hebrew, rhyming Sea with Water (Maim - Shamayim) is the most familiar of all rhymes.

The rain teaches me to write poems
Tells me with its dripping drops
That it's a water verse from heaven

The lightning brings me brilliant ideas
Slowly clouds of poems blacken the page
Thunder at me in their silence
I never thought of lightning as fire. Only as light and noise. I love the sound of S in the word sun. The rain begins with a drip, but at some point, it sounds like sh-sh-sh-sh. That's why there are so many of it in the Hebrew word for rain (Geshem).
All of a sudden / In the middle of the night / From the tip of my fingers / In conjunction with a virtual friend / Words appear / connect / stick / turn into a poem, In the language of my childhood that came back to me
You need some quiet and concentration to start writing poems again ... and there are always children who come in, go out. Maybe that's why I stay up with you at midnight. I never did that. I always slept early and got up early. Now I go to sleep almost in the morning, get up early, and look for some time during the day to rest.

All day long I yawn
Because instead of sleeping
I write
In the language of my childhood
That came back to me
My beloved Hebrew is also the language of wars / But I know them only from afar / Up close only for six days / Alarms and shelters / Also, chewing gum / Vacation without studying / I was not in the army / Also not in another war / Beyond the Earth
I thought I did not know anything about army and wars, except what I knew from movies. It's not in my day-to-day experience at all. Everything sounds unfamiliar. I thought I was writing in Hebrew, feeling like an Israeli, but I do not have that part, this experience, it is far from me. Except for the Six-Day War, when I was six years old, in Israel. I'm here in Brazil reading, writing, thinking in Hebrew, with an Israeli accent. But the language of the army, expressions, tasks ... it does not belong to me. I'm not an Israeli who lives far from where I grew up, I'm a Brazilian, who used to be an Israeli, and the Israeli mentality stayed with me through language, without experiences of war.

When Israelis fought in Lebanon, were you worried? Did that interest you? Did you know someone who was worried? Have you heard news about Israel over the years? Does the term Yom Kippur War say something to you? If Iran threatens Israel, do you feel something?
of course. But it is not the same thing to live in war, to be in the army. At my house, when the wars began, everyone came to hear from my father what he thought. Everyone called, he knew everything. But it was from a distance. How to explain? Do you know what it's like to walk down the street at night, or not to go at all, because you're afraid they'll steal from you or kill you? You know, but you do not have the experience. that's what I'm talking about. When they fought in Lebanon, I thought about Shachar, even though we had not been in touch for several years. I also had a dear cousin who was wounded. And I was at the university, in a hospital, fighting another war. Even when I treated AIDS patients, at the beginning of the plague, when everyone died of the virus, it was also a war. I knew that, I had this experience. You know what it means to be with a boy and tell him: "you have AIDS," when it means he will die in two months? I have no idea how fearful it is to be in battle. You can imagine, but you never know. My Bat Mitzva was three days after the beginning of the Yom Kippur War. So, I did not have a party. I was worried, I was angry, I was sad ... but it's not like being in the country, or being in the war itself.
If you are related to Israel, the reasons are not important.

I know about wars and I do not know. And about wars in Hebrew I know a little more than about wars in other languages. It's also like knowing about cold in minus degrees ... or knowing about pain following the death of a son or daughter. Or see the time passing through the seasons. Maybe I write about it all the time. And only recently, because of our poems, I understand that I have a connection with Israel much bigger and much more important than I thought. Give it the name you want: Israeli, one who loves the Israeli language (Hebrew with an Israeli accent).

In love with Hebrew
Has a crush on Israel
Married to a Brazilian
In the land of iron
In Hebrew Brazil sounds like Barzel which means iron.
A Brazilian linguist, a Jewish woman, said there was a possibility that there were Jews in Brazil from the time of King Solomon. The name Brazil already existed before the Portuguese came here. It's named after a tree that has a color of iron.
I think I always had poems / I just did not write them down / I saw them long ago / I just did not know / heard them / But now I tie them / to your words / so they will not escape
The poems I write
Are familiar to me
Without words

For years
They accompany me
Like private supervision
Or washed jeans
Washed Jeans - a lovely idea!
The sense of touch is special in that everything I touch touches me back. That's the feeling with the poems - we touch them, but they touch us as well. It is not clear who preceded whom. It's also not so important. They are familiar to you because you are familiar to them. Jeans fit you better and better every time you wear them. When you buy new jeans, they feel different.
Today I received a book by Roland Barthes, Mourning Diary. He wrote notes, after his mother's death, every day a note, for nearly two years. All the notes are on mourning. They were published after he died. You see he wrote, because he had to understand ... some notes are poems. I feel that every poem brings me some understanding, or simply illuminates something that is not clear. This is an analysis without Freud.
My children sit and talk / different words / computer software games / songs they heard / stories/ jokes / tattoo / earrings / bring without a ticket / another world / new news
My children play computer software. Tattoo and earrings belong to the world they bring home. They do not need a plane ticket to India to bring news ... The children bring home different worlds, close to them, far from adults, who repeat what they hear from the children.
The kids who grew up in front of computers / learned quickly that the world is small / They connected me forcefully to Facebook / and since then I have been traveling without plane tickets / from country to country / in all languages ​​/ thanks to my children

Without asking me
My children, who grew up on computers
Connected me to the network

Since then I've been flying without a plane
From country to country
Haunted by poems
We're at the end of the year right now. The city is decorated, celebrations everywhere. It's also the end of the school year (here we finish in December) so there are graduation parties, concerts. There's a happy atmosphere, and it's like Rosh Hashana. It's also time to do "soul-searching", to look back at the events of the last year. At the beginning of the year I had the feeling of an end. The children are no longer children. I'm not young anymore. I could not dream or envision the future. I was really sad. And now I see myself at the beginning, not knowing why, but the vision has widened, and suddenly there is joy and hope. Nor did I think I could feel that poems were like friends. I can talk to them, they do not leave me alone. I lost a lot of weight (20 kilograms) and began to recognize myself again. I got to know me again in the mirror. What was unnecessary came down, which was like a mask. And you teach me to leave only what is important in the poems. To remove what is unnecessary, to remove masks, to make everything clear and understandable.
At the beginning of the year I had a narrow feeling of end
In the middle of the year I began to write poems
And the poems gave me strength to blossom
So that at the end of the year
I have a feeling of a beginning
Words on the page / Tell secrets / Lies / Bring new news / Cry / Laugh / Make Fun / Pray / Greet / Teach / Fight / Silent / Point. My eyes were drawn to the letters on the page / I heard their voices / they were calling / shouting / telling me legends / singing me songs/ cried over the dead / until a point came and silenced them

Letters on the page are running -
Regardless of their contents
To their inevitable end

I hear their little shoes
Hit the white sidewalk
On their way
Into the round, tiny, black hole
Called a point

Like a magician pulling a rabbit out of his hat
You release the tunes
Stuck between the words I send
Here, in this song you sent me right now, you managed to release the melody without me, like a magician.

Your idea is clear. There is a melody ... Only the image of the magician pulling a rabbit out of his hat is not surprising enough.
I felt like writing about the melody. It's like the Hardware and the Software. the Software is the soul of the computer. That's how the melody is hidden between the words.
I was accepted to Doctors Without Borders. It is an international organization that comes with medical help to places that have no help at all or have some help but not enough. They also help with epidemics like Ebola in Africa. I'm probably going to Mexico for six months, to Acapulco, to work with urban violence. I'm Already thinking about the colors, the smells, the food, that I'll meet there for us. I go alone, without my husband, without the children, but after India I'm no longer afraid. The words begin to come to me to help the departure, maybe some poems will come eventually. Let them come!!
I like your volunteering to Doctors Without Borders, and the courage to check the borders of volunteering ... Yesterday, I thought about the difference between the flag of Zionism and the flag of Israel - the former is a symbol of Judaism without borders.
I just thought we were poets without borders!
Translating to Portuguese
The poems we wrote together
Reading them one by one
In a deep, loud voice
Flowing and hot
Again and again
Until I hear your voice
In Hebrew I am lighter
And I laugh more often
The Suffering is always in Portuguese
When the suffering is translated into Hebrew in a poem, it disappears, like a butterfly between the flowers.
Hebrew surrounds me with memories / tells stories / that happened / or not / I don't care / windmill in the playground / packages for soldiers / cyclamen in the rocks / The memories invent my life / my life invent me / and I invent in Hebrew / a new me
Those cyclamen that are clinging to my memory
And to the sides of the rock
Did they really exist, or not?
Behind me
Words and memories
And before them
The Cyclamen
The trip to India brings me distress. Mixed feelings of fear and curiosity, joy and tension. It's hard to fall asleep, to concentrate, hard to think. I write in order to relax. So, nothing interesting comes out, and it does not help. I do not think I'll be able to write in India, I do not even know what will be there. So, there is also a fear that all this writing will end. I might be exaggerating, that's how I am, what should I do? Everything in a big way! There the clock will be reversed, I'll be in front of you 3 or 4 hours. So, if I happen to be able to talk, it will not be in the middle of the night.
Your measure of the speed of writing a poem is exaggerated: Do you think that every day one can write a poem or two? It was true for you for a few weeks. At the beginning of the last century, there was a poet named Avraham Ben Yitzhak who only published 11 songs his entire life.
I know ... it's not rational at all. It came into my life suddenly as a need. I'm looking for it the whole day long. Now it will stop. we will see what will be. It's all new. Like I'm in a hurry. How long will I have? I know it does not matter how many poems we wrote. Maybe because you're so quick, I went into a rhythm like this ... We're both "guilty."
I am constantly dealing with the question of how not to let the poems and photographs control my life. How not to search. I count on myself to be able to recognize when I come across something worth pondering. It also improves the quality of my writing and my photography, because if you are constantly searching, when you are ready to write you are already exhausted.
"Don't let the poems take over", is very interesting. That's how I really feel, as if the poems are the most important thing I have. It's like writing or not living. If I do not write every day it will end, I will not have it anymore. A year I'm in this storm, but I'm happy.
To write or not to live
What a whirlwind
Like in a movie
How happy I am

History of a Book

I retired more than ten years ago without preparing myself for an alternative occupation. I was really glad when my friend, who is a filmmaker, asked me to help him finish one of his stuck scripts. When a friend of my friend heard about it, he asked me to help him finish one of his stuck scripts, also. Meanwhile, my son returned from India with colored lampshades for sale. Each lampshade had five points, but they offered him to invent one in the form of a Star of David, with six points, and he managed to produce a lampshade like this. I opened a website in English, to market the lampshade around the world. Very quickly I found myself investigating the Star of David symbol in different cultures.  As part of this study, which lasted five years, I met an archaeologist from Jerusalem who discovered a shape of the Star of David in Roman excavations. He told me he was stuck with a book about his insights into archeology. I helped him to publish the book online. Then I met a doctor of Arts who was stuck with research about the Star of David. I helped him develop and publish his research. I also helped an amateur photographer who sent me photos of the Star of David to publish on my blog; he was stuck with articles he wrote about the gravestones of Jews who were murdered by Arabs before the establishment of the state of Israel. Few knew about my strange hobby, but I could not hide it from my children.  When my daughter heard from Shachar Kadmon that he was stuck with his book, "Shadow in the Water," she referred him to me, and when Shachar heard that his Brazilian friend, Iara Czeresnia, got stuck with poems she had written in Hebrew, he suggested that she contact me. This was the beginning of the writing of "I'm such a Brazilian Woman", which is currently being published by Iton 77 Publishing House.
B. Fateful meeting
Four years after I began to write poems with Iara, a special evening was held in Sao Paulo for the publication of one of Ronny Someck's books in Portuguese. At the end of the event, Iara showed Ronny some poems she had written with me about Sao Paulo. Ronny loved the poems and wrote to her: "These poems are samba drummings. You write about a city and personify it. Suddenly the city becomes both at eye level and very high. I love these poems. " Iara toured with Ronny and Liora throughout her town, and when she arrived the following year for a visit in Israel, Ronny and Liora toured with her throughout Tel Aviv. A few months ago, I suggested to Iara that I give us, as a reward for our finished writing project, a hardcover book in two copies - one for me and one for her. Iara agreed and offered to send the book to Ronny Someck. Shachar Kadmon also read the book and offered to publish it for the general public. When I edited the book, I sent each of its ten chapters to Iara for approval. At the end of this stage, Iara sent the book as a text file to Ronny Someck. Ronny read the book and recommended publishing it by publication house named Iton 77. He also agreed to let the editors see what he wrote about our book : "This ping-pong is beautiful; the word balls move from one end of the table to the other. Sometimes, there are conflicting ideas (and that's really great), and there's a feeling that the reader sees the balls and also feels the wind that accompanies their flight."
C. Mysticism
In a particularly successful coincidence, the two copies of the book came to me from the printing press a few days before I met with the editors of the publishing house, so that they could get a living impression of the final product. They were remarkably attentive to any suggestion I made. Perhaps they were influenced by the story that I told them about my help to the editor's father with the online publication of his stuck articles about the gravestones of Jews who were murdered by Arabs before the establishment of the state of Israel, because she was the one who edited some of them.

Back Cover - What it is to feel Yonat

Fifty years ago, when I was a soldier at Kibbutz Revivim, a poem came to me and asked if I had a place for it. I bought a notebook, and I made a place for it. Then came another poem, and another, until there was no place in the notebook. I didn't show any of my poems to anyone. And there were, in Kibbutz Revivim, a pair of writers, Yonat and Alexander Sened, who were writing together. One day I showed Yonat one poem, and she liked it, and she commented on it, and asked me to show her another poem, and another - until she read the whole notebook. When I left Kibbutz Revivim, she sent me to the editor of Massa, the literary supplement of Davar newspaper. Six years ago, a Brazilian poet, a Jewish woman, wrote to me in Hebrew. I liked her poem, and made comments about it, and asked for another poem and another, until we had a book ... and I felt Yonat.

אין תגובות:

הוסף רשומת תגובה

I am such a Brazilian woman-1

Front Cover Hey, I am such a Brazilian woman Crying, laughing Hoping, fearing Hating, loving Me, you And all in a such...